Given that I've been unemployed, one might have expected a higher number of blog updates than usual. That is not an unreasonable expectation and yet I have failed to deliver. Something about getting too caught up in SIMs2 or walks across the moors. But perhaps, more likely, the feeling of the most severe self-disappointment and lack of self-worth that comes with being unable to obtain employment despite a high number of academic qualifications as well as related professional experience. Such sentiments are surely not conducive to high amounts of blogging about the details of one's existence. At least, so it would seem, in this instance.
Luckily, all that is over. I have, for all intents and purposes, secured a position with the Environment Agency. I can now nod enthusiastically at all the folk who assured me that it would eventually happen, that good things come to those who wait, that sometimes it's just a matter of being patient for the right opportunity to come along. Yes, yes, and yes. All pithy comments are acknowledged and accepted. But despite the obvious manifestation of their veracity there is still an underlying resentment at the facility with which they were spoken when I was finding it hard to lift my head from my arms. And an prolonged uneasiness as I wait out the next few weeks in anticipation of the return of my CRB.
Still, in heed of the platitudes, I shall stay positive and assume that everything's going to be all right. Come January 12, I'll hopefully be a working girl with all the lovely income that entails. And, quite probably, with a bit more material to put into my blogs.