Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Celeriac(2) and Complaints and Project Catwalk

For those who are mad eager to hear about the Celeriacal Fest, it was brilliant! Despite the fact that my flatmate who had intended to make dessert went to capoeira class instead and the fact that Sinead was disgustingly ill in a hacking sort of way, Chapada and I had a grand ol' time and I made a decadent celeriac and blue cheese soup and Chapada made celeriac schnitzel and that was really all the celeriac we could take. Plus the fact that one of the celeriacs had gone off so there was less celeriac than might otherwise have been anticipated. I shall post the video of Chapada juggling celeriacs as soon as I get around to uploading it.

I've had a fairly busy coupla weeks, but most eventful was the fact that I was sent to a Complaints and Response Mechanisms Workshop on behalf of my new boss, her being in Hanoi for the week. Actually, I was fourth on the list. Also unable to attend was the lead on Humanitarian Accountability and two of the legal team that are actually working on the Complaints Mechanism Policy. So I was rubbing shoulders with quite high-up, senior management staff that kept looking at me and saying... "Who are you again? How does this workshop impact your role? You're a personal assistant... ? Who are you again?"

On the bright side, I actually knew more about complaints procedures than most of them because OGB actually has a procedure and a policy and some pilot studies whereas, interestingly enough, a lot of Aid agencies don't seem to.

The most exciting part of the day of the workshop which, incidentally, started at five cause I had to catch a bus to catch a coach to catch the tube to be there at 9:30, was that whilst in Islington (poshy part of London) I passed WAYNE from Project Catwalk. Fabulous! What's random, however, is that, in my excitement, I texted all my Project Catwalk compatriots (i.e., Jim and Kate who I sit with on a Monday night with six glasses of wine, eyes glued to the telly) and Jim had a Wayne-spotting the day before on the bus. Coincidence? Or just a mad outbreak of Waynes? Will we ever know the answer?

Related Links:
Wayne Wins Project Catwalk
BOND: Complaints and Mechanisms Workshop
Marie Juggles Celeriac

Other places to find me:

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of the stalking kind