Monday, May 07, 2007

BBQs and Bluebells and Recycling comes to Cowley

This has been a bit of a slow week as far as anything newsworthy is concerned. We went on a tramp through the bluebells last Sunday... it was fabulous! There were bits of the woods where it seemed as though the trees were sprouting from a sea of flowers. It's easy to understand where stories of faeries comes from when wandering about in such a fantastical place.

This weekend, however, has been the weekend of birthdays. We had two birthdays on Saturday, one in the mad house of the Mexican mafia and another on the town with some mates. Sunday was the mad-cap BBQ antics of our flatmates Pete and Kate and slightly more than a dozen capoeiristas attempting to enjoy burnt meat in the wind and rain. Somehow the party managed to last from four in the afternoon 'til about two AM. No possibility of faulting our aging friends on their stamina.

And the best news of all is that Cowley (the neighborhood in which I live) has finally been integrated into the city's recycling scheme. So now our trash gets picked up every other week and only the trash that fits inside the city-provided bin, which I think is a good way to get people started in trying to reduce. At the same time, we have three different bins that we can use to recycle pretty much everything barring cling film. And a composter. It's a slow process, but bit by bit governments are mainstreaming recycling.

Related Links:
Oxford Recycles!

1 comment:

VA Belles said...

It is nice to see that your part of England is joining the 21st century!

of the stalking kind