Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Other People's Exciting Tales of Greeks and Favorite Jackets and Laying Eggs

So, while absolutely nothing amazing happened to me this week, some of my friends had some crazy sh*t happen to them and so I shall spin their tales rather than try to cleverly augment a pitifully dull story of my own.

The Tale of Boa Onda and the Shoe of Woe
Boa Onda was peddling home early Friday (round abouts 11:00PM) when, in the slipperiness that is Britain, her lovely shoe flew off her foot and bounded into the darkness (which is also Britain as they don't seem to have a procurement officer responsible for street lights). Unable to find the shoe in plain sight, Boa took the light off of her bike and shone it under a line of cars parked on the side of the road. Still no luck. Only one foot clad, she directed her attentions to a nearby house where a party was underway. Thinking that perhaps the cars belonged to the party participants, she forlornly banged on the door, hoping that they might a) help her look or b) move their cars or c) something, she's not sure what.

It turned out to be a birthday celebration thronged with Greeks, all very merry by that hour. As the birthday boy selflessly flung himself into the wet world to look for the shoe, Boa was dragged into the house and given ouzo and was well-lavished with attention by doting Greek gentlemen. Needless to say, she did not arrive home until after one thirty, still only bearing one shoe.

My question is, who on earth loses a shoe and ends up at a mad Greek party?

For those who may be concerned for the fate of the shoe, Boa found it the next day on her way to another party, very popular girl that she is.

The Tale of Michelle and the Khaki-green Jacket
Michelle has a khaki green jacket. It's old but it's comfy and lovely and quite suits her. On Saturday she left it in a field surrounded by dancer types and was unable to locate it at the end of the afternoon. Distressed, she drowned her sorrows in a few pints at the Angel and Greyhound, as you do.

Still bemoaning the loss, she went out in the evening (back to the A&G) where she met up with her friend Strelly. As they were sat outside, they were quite bundled up (it being freaking frigid in the UK in May) and Michelle was secretly admiring Strelly's coat which looked remarkably like the one she had lost earlier that day. Not wanting to be presumptuous, she dared mention that Strelly's coat was quite lovely and where had she gotten it...

Lo and behold! Strelly had purchased it that afternoon for £3.99 at a charity shop right next to the park where Michelle had lost her jacket. The hope almost too much to bear, Michelle asked Strelly if, perhaps, there might be gum in one of the pockets, gesturing to the place she had left her last stick of Trident Soft. And there was!

Ah, such a coincidence, that of all the people in Oxford, Strelly should have happened to buy the very jacket that Michelle had lost, and that they would have seen each other the same day. Very exciting. In the end, Michelle got her jacket back and Strelly was out £3.99 and her new cool purchase. Not fair, really, but that's fate for you...

The Tale of Wyatt and the Egg
This is a short and simple tale that will end soon. Wyatt, our boy bird, laid an egg yesterday. S/he has assumed the name Wyette. And poor Pete has lost the only other male in the house. A sad sad funny funny day.

Related Links
Age Concern
Perhaps Pete should have read this

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of the stalking kind