Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bloody Frogs (for those sensitive to slurs against the French people, look away now)

The French complain of everything, and always.
Napoleon I (1769-1821) Napoleon Bonaparte. French general.

Ahhhhh! The French! Because they do not want to have to work an extra year in public service to earn their pension, they're striking. Again! And Again! Yesterday fishermen blockaded the Calais port to protest a rise in marine fuel prices (this will help how?!) and today the whole freaking nation is striking to protest that fact that Sarkozy is actually trying to make plausible pension reforms. Pfft.

So, all this boils down to the the French can do what they please (it is nice to see action against government, the English could take a lesson) but not when it affects my holidays! (Ah, now do you see... it is all about me). So, instead of ferrying my way to Paris to see Miss Sheila, oh, pardon, DR. TUREK, I'm here on my computer, waiting for the laundry to finish, contemplating going into work to print out A.B.'s emails.

There's not even any point of trying to just hang around Dover because the motorway is so backed up with lorries that they recommend bringing food and water in case of queues... can you imagine?! Don't even get me started on the British Motorways... the system is absolutely ridiculous. But that's really a rant for another day (pretty much any other day)- today we're focusing on the French.

Ah, the French, those kings of grammar and dictation, those masters of croissant and the smell of french bread in a can, those whinging frogs who take their benefits and government services for granted and burn cars when the government dares to suggest that perhaps they should work for their money...

Well, enough of this, it's time to hang the laundry on the line.

Related links:

Bring food and water for a trip on the Motorway?!

French Industrial Action

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of the stalking kind